Hi all,
I am working on some DNA methylation data and I have used RnBeads to analyse it. I just wanted to know what people have used to classify differentially methylated probes/regions that are hypermethylated, hypomethylated and unmethylated?
From the beta values which is between 0 - 1, what range falls under the above mentioned categories? Can i use >0.8 as hypermethy, <0.2 as hypometh, and what would be methylated and unmethylated.
Is there a paper that gives details of this?
Hi Rasii,
Could you please guide me how to get normalised beta value matrix? I got 9*3 = 27 samples. ( 9 condition , 3 replicate each). Thanks!
Hi Nick and Rasii,
I have got WGBS done on 5 condition with 3 replicates each. I want to compare pattern of methylation among condition for all CpG sites. For this I want to make a matrix of beta value for each CpG site for each condition. And then do WGCNA to cluster them in different module.
Could you please suggest me how can I make this matrix and do normalisation please? Can I also do the matrix for probes, probe would be 100bp window of genome?
Or is there any other way I can do this comparison?
Many thanks