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5.7 years ago
I have created a vcf file from bam file using bcftools:
bcftools mpileup \
--redo-BAQ \
--min-BQ 30 \
--per-sample-mF \
--annotate \
FORMAT/AD,FORMAT/DP,INFO/AD -f cmv3 scaffold_nofilt_PV002.bam | \
bcftools call --multiallelic-caller --variants-only -Ov > \
After that I visualized this file using R, but It had lower number of records in comparation to IGV program results using the same bam file. I think that it is due to bcftools take only SNP with high frequency.
What modification should do add to the bcftools program to see all records although they have a low frequency?
how low is "low"?
fin swimmer
With a Coveage allele-fraction threshold of 0.05. I see them when I run IGV but I can not with the vcf file: