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5.6 years ago
I wanted to create a blast database using the command:
makeblastdb -in filename.fasta -input_type fasta -dbtype prot -parse_seqids -out filename.fasta -title xyz
but I got an error saying
BLAST Database creation error: Near line 65951, the local id is too long. Its length is 51 but the maximum allowed local id length is 50. Please find and correct all local ids.
How can I correct this?
start with checking the ID on the line mentioned and see how that looks. If the stretch of chars before the first space is indeed >50 chars long you will need to shorten it. Important is to shorted it in such a way that is stays unique in your file of course.
It may work if you drop parse_seqids, you may not need it depending on what you plan to do downstream
If you are actually using or need seqids, make sure that there is a space between the id and the description part.