I am attempting to get the Allele Depth (AD) from my vcf file.
I got this file from bcftools file using the function:
bcftools view -c -g scaffold_filt_PV003_q10_variant.bcf > scaffold_filt_PV003_q10_variant.vcf
but when I see the vcf generated in the column called format does not appear AD, only appear GT:PL:GQ I do not another alternative way to see Allele Depth.
Thanks in advance
how did you call the original bcf file ?
I called it scaffold_filt_PV003_q10_variant.bcf, is it answer your question?
what is the tool used to call the variants ? samtools ? bcftools ?gatk ? what was the command line ?
He means: how did you perform the variant calling? - GATK?; SAMtools?
I used samtools to get that file, the command line is
the question was:
and not
begining with a input file:
I got the bcf then I convert a bcf to vcf with this command:
And the
has not a record of Allele Depth. Is there another alternative way to get it? How?