I have set up a little prototype Linux cluster consisting of two laptops using mpich_3.3-a2 and after a couple of dud installs and some trouble shooting managed to get it to run the test programs cpi and hellow that are included in the examples folder in mpich.
That's all well and good but really wanted to apply it to some bioinformatics packages and there's nowhere better to start than with MrBayes.
I first created a mrbayes environment using conda:
conda create -n mrbayes_env mrbayes
Then navigated into the mrbayes_env folder and executed this command:
(base) fusc@hp-ubuntu:~/miniconda3/envs/mrbayes_env/bin$
>> mpiexec -n 6 -f /home/fusc/mpich/hosts ./mb
That certainly fired up mrbayes, but instead of it running across 6 CPUs I ended up with six instances of mrbayes, which kind of defeats the purpose.
Is there a Dummies set of instructions for running MrBayes on a Linux cluster out there somewhere that I can dip into for some hints? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Should you not instead of navigate to the env folder activate the environment? Like:
Yes, you're right about that, silly mistake. I did try that but it didn't make any difference as to getting MrBayes to run on multiple CPUs, even when I tried mb-mpi.
For that I needed to compile the MrBayes source code and enable mpi in the configure step. I've posted what I did below.