I am looking through an old pipeline that was run over a year ago in preparation for submitting data to GEO. I discovered that although the sequencing in this experiment was single-read (vs. paired-end), I had run featureCounts in paired-end mode (with a parameter of -p). According to the featureCounts documentation, the -p flag has the following definition: "If specified, fragments (or templates) will be counted instead of reads. This option is only applicable for paired-end reads." Did adding this parameter by mistake affect the run at all? Or did it not matter as all samples were single-read anyway?
Have you submitted the data to GEO?
As far as I know, it doesn't effect results if you use -p on SE data. But you could quickly check it by running on any bam you have (with and without -p)
Indeed, the scientist within you should run it with and without, and then cross-compare results.
Agreed! That's what I would have done if I still had access to the bam files... unfortunately, I do not.
Cool. I would have hoped that featureCounts issued a warning message, at least (?). Keep in mind that these counting methods are fairly rudimentary - one can perform read count abundance using BEDTools or custom scripts, if one wishes.
except that featureCounts is blazingly fast and comes with tons of options
Thanks! Unfortunately, I don't have access to any SE bam files currently.