I'm using Biopython 1.73 with Python 3.7.2.
Until yesterday, the following code produced BLAST results as intended:
entrquery = '"Arabidopsis thaliana"[organism]'
result_handle = NCBIWWW.qblast(program="blastp",database="swissprot", sequence=mainfastafile.read(), entrez_query=entrquery, hitlist_size=1)
However, as of today, I get the following error:
ValueError: Error message from NCBI: Entrez Query: "Arabidopsis thaliana"[organism] is not supported
I tried this with and without quotation marks, changed uppercase and lowercase, added a whitespace, even tried other formats I've seen working previously, like txid:3702 [ORGN]
, but nothing works. Does anyone know what might be the source of this problem?
Actually, what jrj.healey suggested might have just solved the issue - I've manually updated Biopython with all dependencies via pip, and now the qblast is working again, specifically for
entrez_query = '"Arabidopsis thaliana"[organism]'
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