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5.9 years ago
Hi Other then annotate the variants in my vcf, I would also like to annotate the genes. In particular, I'm interested in a brief description of the gene in order to have a primary indication to prioritize and filter variants. I used dbNSFP for variants annotation but I cannot understand how to anntate with the dataset dbNSFP_gene. Usually, for variants I used this script:
snpEff/SnpSift.jar dbnsfp -db dbNSFP3.5a_hg19_clean.txt.gz my.vcf> annotated.vcf
Which is the command for dbNSFP_gene?
Thank you very much
Edit November 18, 2020 - this does not answer the question
When you download the main dbNSFP file (>13GB), it should include a smaller file called dbNSFP[x.x]_gene, which is what you want to use. You will have to manually configure this for use with SnpSift. There are instructions here: 13. SnpSift dbNSFP. There, in the sub-section 'Building dbNSFP (for developers)', you'll be taken through an example of how you can prepare the _gene file for use.
Note that the _gene file can be directly downloaded from other sources:
Sorry Kevin, but your answer on biostars is either not up-to-date (maybe because the link you posted got updated) or does not answer this question. Can you please update your solution if you have one?
Hey, to which link, specifically, are you referring? If you go to the first link and search for the header 'Building dbNSFP (for developers)', there are instructions there.
I think he is referring to this link: snpeff_dbnsfp
Hi Marta. Could you please tell me which are the commands/tools that you used to get your dbNFSP3.5a_hg19_clean.txt.gz database ? I'm not programmer and I struggled to annotate my VCF file for weeks :( .Thanks