What does "~" (tilde) and "]" means in column 5 (base string) of the samtools pileup format?
I cant seemed to find anything from here:- http://samtools.sourceforge.net/pileup.shtml
What does "~" (tilde) and "]" means in column 5 (base string) of the samtools pileup format?
I cant seemed to find anything from here:- http://samtools.sourceforge.net/pileup.shtml
I'm assuming that those characters are preceded by a ^, which means they represent the mapping quality. From the page you linked:
Also at the read base column, a symbol '^' marks the start of a read segment which is a contiguous subsequence on the read separated by `N/S/H' CIGAR operations. The ASCII of the character following '^' minus 33 gives the mapping quality.
Yes, that was what I meant. Actually I saw that in the example given in the link itself.
seq3 200 A 20 ,,,,,..,.-4CACC.-4CACC....,.,,.^~. ==<<<<<<<<<<<::<;2<<
So from this example "~" is the mapping quality followed by a match to the reference base, as seen from the "."? My bad, I've overlooked it.
Hey! Many thanks for your input and patience :). Another question though, which reads is the mapping quality referring to (just to confirm)? In my case:-
does the (~) infer the mapping quality of the entire reads succeeding the "^" sign? In here its the mapping quality of the "." ?
Sorry for the primitive questions,appreciate your insights!
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Can you give an example of that column? The meaning depends on where the character is in the string.