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5.6 years ago
The vcf file produced from SNVer has "NA"s in AC FORMAT field of some samples. Running bcftools with this vcf produces this error. Seems like bcftools is not expecting NA in AC field. Could someone please suggest a solution for this.
bcftools view test.vcf -i NP=8 -o test_NP8.vcf
[E::vcf_parse_format] Invalid character 'N' in 'AC' FORMAT field at scaffold_1:345947
Here is the AC header
FORMAT=<id=ac,number=1,type=integer,description="alternative allele="" count"="">
yeah, so in your VCF you shouldn't find
for scaffold_1:345947when the DP is 0 the AC field has NA which could be 0. Not sure how to change NA to 0.
something like
sed 's/AC=NA/AC=0/g'
Thank you very much. That solved the problem.
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