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5.7 years ago
I have downloaded .fastqfiles from SRA and now trying to filter out reads aligning to ERCC spike ins, rRNA and Repetitive Elements (from RepeatMasker).
I would like to do this step by step, repeating the command on the unaligned results from the previous step using something like this:
bowtie2 -p 2 - N1 --un-conc <unaligned fastq> --al-conc <aligned fastq> \
-1 <dowloaded mate1 fastq. -2 <downloaded mate 2 fastq> \
-S <output alignment sam>
As I got from the manual, first I need to build .bt2 indices for each alignment (namely, for ERCC, rRNA, RepetitiveElements) How can I create indices for the aforementioned command and which data should I download for it?
Would be happy for any help!
Hi artem.baranowsky, welcome.
Please use the formatting bar to highlight code. I made the changes for you this time.
Apologies, will do next time Thank you