I'm looking for a tool which, given a truth vcf file and a test vcf file, calculates the phase/switch error rate. I performed phasing of a vcf using WhatsHap and want to compare the outcome to some ground truth phased vcf I have. I can't find a tool, and I don't want to write it myself. It seems like a rather common thing... so I'd expect it to exist, but my google-fu is weak today.
(Cross posted at https://bioinformatics.stackexchange.com/questions/7242/searching-tool-to-calculate-phase-switch-error-rate )
WhatsHaps has their own compare function:
whatshap compare truth.vcf sample.vcf
How about: https://github.com/Illumina/hap.py
Hi genomax, I took a look at the manual and it wasn't obvious to me which metric is homologous to switch error rate.