I just ran BlastKOALA and received my output which is basically a 2 column table with my protein IDs and their KO id.
prot_1 K22938
I would like to know how I can convert those KO ids to name & description. I can get the name and description by searching the KO ids one by one here:
but I'd like an automatic way to do it as I have many. Is there some conversion table out there that I can use? or better, is there an option that we can select when submitting BlastKOALA that outputs KO id, name, description?
You could also use UniProt (in particular the IDmapping service at https://www.uniprot.org/uploadlists) to map your identifiers to UniProtKB and then restrict to a species (e.g. organism:9606) and possibly reviewed entries (reviewed:yes). The mapping results can be displayed in a table including gene gene and protein names.
That's awesome. Thanks so much!