I got a response from the UCSC Genome Browser help desk which resolved my question:
The knownCanonical gene set is created from the longest transcript of
the basic Gencode gene set. This convention was not around for the V23
gene set, so that file does not exist. If you would like to use a
similar dataset without filtering for only the longest transcripts,
you can use the Basic annotation set from Gencode V23
Alternately, you can filter out shorter transcripts, leaving the
longest isoforms of each transcript by running a short script from the
command line.
mysql -h genome-mysql.soe.ucsc.edu -u genome -Ne "select g.name, a.geneId, g.txEnd-g.txStart from wgEncodeGencodeBasicV23 g,
wgEncodeGencodeAttrsV23 a where g.name = a.transcriptId" hg38 | sort
-rnk 3 | awk '{if (!found[$2]) print ; found[$2] = 1}' | awk '{print $2}' > knownCanonicalV23.txt
The output of this script (knownCanonicalV23.txt) can be uploaded as
identifier input in Table Browser. Using that file as Table Browser
identifiers should allow output as if you were querying a
knownCanonical data set from Gencode V23.
If you want to download a genePred file equivalent of knownCanonical
for Gencode V23, you can run the following script on the command line.
mysql -h genome-mysql.soe.ucsc.edu -u genome -Ne "select g.txEnd-g.txStart, a.geneId, g.* from wgEncodeGencodeBasicV23 g,
wgEncodeGencodeAttrsV23 a where g.name = a.transcriptId" hg38 | sort
-rn | awk '{if (!found[$2]) print ; found[$2] = 1}' | cut -f 4- > knownCanonicalV23.gp
You should ask this over at UCSC Genome browser help desk. Someone from UCSC swings by here but they may not do so right away.
Thanks, I will do that. I will keep this open and post any responses I get from the help desk.