I have looked in a paper where they have found 2 SNPs (rs7534124 and rs1136774) in the promoter region, this article was ( Association between SNPs in the promoter region in cathepsin S and risk of asthma in Chinese Han population), however, when I type the rs numbers of the SNP in Ensembl, I got that the SNPs are in different region;
rs7534124; intergenic variant rs1136774; 5 prime UTR variant
How could this be?
what is the URL of such observation ? I see only 'intergenic" https://apr2019.archive.ensembl.org/Homo_sapiens/Variation/Context?db=core;r=1:150766097-150767097;v=rs7534124;vdb=variation;vf=502268396
The URL is; https://www.europeanreview.org/article/10833