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5.6 years ago
Hi all,
I would like some help modifying a heatmap please.
Right now I have this heatmap:
The code to produce this heatmap:
datafinal = scale(data)
out <- pheatmap(datafinal,
show_rownames=F, color = c("#2c7fb8", "#fee6ce", "#e6550d"),breaks = c(-4,0,2,4),main = "Malignant vs Fibroblast Samples",fontsize = 7, cluster_cols=T, cluster_rows=T, scale="row",cex=1, clustering_distance_rows="maximum", cex=1, clustering_distance_cols="euclidean", clustering_method="complete", border_color=FALSE, annotation_col=metadata, xlim=c(-7.7,7))
I would like to heatmap that looks like this please:
I would like the Z scale and have the little square blocks instead of the big blocks of solid colours I currently have. I also do not want the row names displayed.
I find heatmaps very hard to make so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Many Thanks,
Thank you but how do I label the samples into two categories, fibroblast and malignant and also do the clustering for both rows and columns please?
Read the docs and/or some tutorials.