Hi guys,
I'm trying to run eggnog to annotate some proteins. I followed the exact instructions found on their wiki page for downloading and basic usage. It runs for a few minutes then I get an error.
$ python emapper.py -i proteins.faa --output emapper_output -m diamond
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "emapper.py", line 1001, in <module>
File "emapper.py", line 216, in main
dump_diamond_matches(args.input, seed_orthologs_file, args)
File "emapper.py", line 353, in dump_diamond_matches
raise e
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command returned non-zero exit status -9
Anyone know what is causing this error?
Thank you
Probably related to the version of diamond: diamond sometimes changes its database format, and a new version of the software may be incompatible with an old database.
What diamond version are you using? How did you install the eggnog databases?
I installed eggnog by downloading this file (1.03.tar.gz) found here: https://github.com/jhcepas/eggnog-mapper/releases and then running
(to get the databases, took a long time)That is all I did, I did not install diamond separately as I thought it came with the package above.
My bad, you are right: it seems eggnog-mapper uses an "internal" diamond. Try running it directly from the command-line to see if there is some problem with it:
Or maybe you have a local diamond with precedence over eggnog-mapper's diamond. What is the result of
which diamond
?Thanks for your help, I tried running it directly, got this
which diamond results in
/usr/bin/which: no diamond in (/cvmfs/home/etc..etc)
Try doing
export PATH="/path/to/eggnog-mapper-version/bin":$PATH
beforepython emapper.py
to yours)?Thank you. Just tried this, no luck unfortunately
My final guess is the diamond database was prepared under a newer diamond than the one from eggnog-mapper 1.0.3 (which bundles diamond 0.8.22), as an eggnog-mapper 2.0 (which bundles diamond 0.9.24) is almost released. Try manually replacing diamond, or try to install eggnog-mapper directly from the git repo with
git clone
.I will try that and report back. Thank you for the help!
Tried installing eggnog-mapper directly from git repo, it ran for ~30mins then the same kind of error: