I wish to find out if HOMER tool can be used to predict the binding site of a transcription factor on a list of DNA sequences.
Thank you in advance for your kind and helpful responses.
I wish to find out if HOMER tool can be used to predict the binding site of a transcription factor on a list of DNA sequences.
Thank you in advance for your kind and helpful responses.
You could run FIMO on your entire genome for TFs (transcription factors; DNA-binding proteins) of interest, which gives you binding sites: genomic intervals where those TFs bind.
You can then map or intersect promoter regions with those TF binding sites with BEDOPS bedmap
or bedops
, respectively:
The use of bedmap
is recommended to assign TFs to a promoter of interest. This tool will return both the promoter region and any TFs that overlap it by the specified overlap criteria.
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Cross-posted at SE: https://bioinformatics.stackexchange.com/questions/8691/how-do-i-computationally-predict-the-binding-position-of-a-dna-binding-protein-o/
You already received answers there, what about them?
Ok thanks saw it. I wish to find out about the existence of a simple user-friendly online tool, or an R package rather than methods that are more computationally intensive.
The suggested
approach is a bash one-liner on the command line. You won't find anything simpler :)Cross-posting the same question is generally discouraged. You could easily edit your Bioinformatics SE question to include these new parameters.