Hi, I have a question. I have 18330 fasta sequences obtained from conting fasta annotation (using Blast2Go). Now I would like to recostruct the phylogenesy and I would like to investigate the orthology. Has anyone ever done such an analysis? Which tools is good for the large dataset?
Yes, this is a pretty normal thing to do.
Before we advise you though, we need to know more about the data. What organisms are these sequences from? How closely related are they all?
Are you simply interested in generating a phylogeny to describe all the organisms, or do you wish to say specific things about the ortholog groups?
How about ClustalO? - https://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/msa/clustalo/
This doesn't really answer the question, as ClustalO would, at best, form only part of an orthology workflow.
EDIT: I have subsequently moved the answer to a comment (for the time being at least).