Hello! I have the authority (phs000424.v7.p2) to download GTEx V7 raw data. However, I couldn't download any data deposited in "gs s3 ". And these data were released in 2018. I have tried dowload toolkit "prefetch" and sam-dump. "prefetch" have nothing to do while sam-dump report errors "error: item not found while reading file - input object(s) not found". I'm sure I have configured the dbGaP repository key and can download GTEx data deposited in sra. Thank you!
What does that mean? What are the commands you use? If I remember correctly you have to be in the directory specifyied in
for the restriced data to download them.I have successfully configured vdb-config and can download other GTEx raw data released before 2018 by prefetch. The command example .\prefetch --ascp-path "C:\Users\haers\AppData\Local\Programs\Aspera\Aspera Connect\bin\ascp.exe|C:\Users\haers\AppData\Local\Programs\Aspera\Aspera Connect\etc\asperaweb_id_dsa.openssh" SRR8220239 It just wait several seconds and end this command.
I came up with same error when download this data. Did you find out how to solve this or how to downlaod data from s3 or gs? And here is the detail of my error,hope this can help.
Downloading kart file 'cart_DAR78310_201904012229.krt' Checking sizes of kart files...
2019-04-02T04:03:01 prefetch.2.9.0: KClientHttpOpen - connected from '' to www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov ( 2019-04-02T04:03:02 prefetch.2.9.0: KClientHttpOpen - verifying CA cert 2019-04-02T04:03:02 prefetch.2.9.0: KClientHttpOpen - connected from '' to www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov ( 2019-04-02T04:03:03 prefetch.2.9.0: KClientHttpOpen - verifying CA cert 2019-04-02T04:03:03 prefetch.2.9.0 err: path not found while resolving tree within virtual file system module - 'SRR8218455' cannot be found. 2019-04-02T04:03:03 prefetch.2.9.0: Resolve(SRR8218455) = RC(rcVFS,rcTree,rcResolving,rcPath,rcNotFound): 2019-04-02T04:03:03 prefetch.2.9.0: local(NULL) 2019-04-02T04:03:03 prefetch.2.9.0: cache(NULL) 2019-04-02T04:03:03 prefetch.2.9.0: remote(NULL:0)
Are you in the folder specified in
for restricted data when starting the command?Hello! I'm having the same issue here, and thus, loosing more than half of the samples. Were you able to solve this issue?