hello! I'm working with a genome of cephalopoda. Firstly, I ran Repeatmasker with this input
/home/RM/RepeatMasker -s -gff OB150DEC_2.fa
to analyze the genome assuming that the specie is homo sapiens.
I'm not sure that it is correct, because I suppose that transposable elements could be different in invertebrates (it doesn't find Mites, for example).
So I think that I have to change -species
in RepeatMasker species. My doubt is about the specie that I have to set. I read in the manual:
-species <query species>
Specify the species or clade of the input sequence. The species name
must be a valid NCBI Taxonomy Database species name and be contained
in the RepeatMasker repeat database. Some examples are:
-species human
-species mouse
-species rattus
-species "ciona savignyi"
-species arabidopsis
I don't think these are the only species to use. Where can I find the entire list of them? Thank you anyway. Bests
You can also create a custom library with RepeatModeler (there are biostars posts that you can search for to get instructions) and run that model on your cephalpod genome with RepeatMasker.
okay, but repeatmasker will be able to recognize the library created by myself finding transposable elements? I've tried using Repeatscout, but the results didn't are the expected. Repeatmodeler is different?
I don't have experience with RepeatScout, but RepeatModeler combines the output of RepeatScout and RECON (http://www.repeatmasker.org/RepeatModeler/). I personally haven't fed a custom library from RepeatModeler to RepeatMasker, but others on biostars can probably chime in
okay, thank you for your help!
I think there are also:
To use the library identified from your own genome, you might have a look at this document (RepeatModeler+RepeatMasker): https://blaxter-lab-documentation.readthedocs.io/en/latest/repeat-masking.html