I have roughly mouse 200 DEGs with Ensembl IDs and would like to convert them to gene symbols/names. I've tried gconvert from gproflier2 as follows;
t<-gconvert(gene, organism = "mmusculus", target = "ENSG", filter_na = T)
and bioMart
ensembl <- useMart("ensembl", dataset="mmusculus_gene_ensembl")
gene <- getBM(attributes=c('ensembl_gene_id','external_gene_name'), filters = 'ensembl_gene_id', values = mouse_gene_ids, mart = ensembl)
with no luck. I checked some of these DEGs (e.g. ENSMUSE00000199608) in Ensembl browser and did see the gene but not in gProfiler web site. Am I missing something here or are there any ways to convert Ensembl gene ID of these DEGs to gene names/symbols in R ?
The id you have posted is an exon id, not a gene id.
Ok got it but I can't figure out why I got a transcript ID instead of gene ID ? I used featureCounts with GTFattrType ="gene_id" script;
This will be an new question.
look at this post
Tried the script on the post but did not work. I get NA. Ensembl transcript ID's heading is ENSUMST, whereas my geens have ENSMUSE.
Can you post what error you are getting ? also
output.I am not getting any error but zero contents. Output of is as follows;