I run the following :
featureCounts(data.bam, isPairedEnd = T, isGTFAnnotationFile=T,annot.ext="Mus_musculus.GRCm38.96.gtf", GTF.attrType = "gene_id")
Even if I specify a GTF Type attribute to "gene_id", GeneID in the featureCounts output shows "ensembl_exon_id", instead of "ensembl_gene_id". Is there any way to tell featureCounts to use "ensembl_gene_id" ?
Thanks in advance.
Ensembl gtf annotations do include an "gene_id" attribute. So, unless akh22 edited the Ensembl gtf annotation somehow, or downloaded from another source, the issue must be elsewhere.
No I did not edit GTF at all. I just down loaded directly from Ensembl FTP.
Can you show a snippet of the featureCounts output?
here we go;