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5.5 years ago
Where can I download the length of short and long arm for each chromosome?
Thank you
Where can I download the length of short and long arm for each chromosome?
Thank you
Download cytoband file from UCSC:
And summarise using R:
x <- fread("http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenpath/hg19/database/cytoBand.txt.gz",
col.names = c("chrom","chromStart","chromEnd","name","gieStain"))
x[ , .(length = sum(chromEnd - chromStart)),
by = .(chrom, arm = substring(name, 1, 1)) ]
# chrom arm length
# 1: chr1 p 125000000
# 2: chr1 q 124250621
# 3: chr10 p 40200000
# 4: chr10 q 95334747
# 5: chr11 p 53700000
# 6: chr11 q 81306516
# 7: chr12 p 35800000
# 8: chr12 q 98051895
# 9: chr13 p 17900000
#10: chr13 q 97269878
#11: chr14 p 17600000
#12: chr14 q 89749540
#13: chr15 p 19000000
#14: chr15 q 83531392
#15: chr16 p 36600000
#16: chr16 q 53754753
#17: chr17 p 24000000
#18: chr17 q 57195210
#19: chr18 p 17200000
#20: chr18 q 60877248
#21: chr19 p 26500000
#22: chr19 q 32628983
#23: chr2 p 93300000
#24: chr2 q 149899373
#25: chr20 p 27500000
#26: chr20 q 35525520
#27: chr21 p 13200000
#28: chr21 q 34929895
#29: chr22 p 14700000
#30: chr22 q 36604566
#31: chr3 p 91000000
#32: chr3 q 107022430
#33: chr4 p 50400000
#34: chr4 q 140754276
#35: chr5 p 48400000
#36: chr5 q 132515260
#37: chr6 p 61000000
#38: chr6 q 110115067
#39: chr7 p 59900000
#40: chr7 q 99238663
#41: chr8 p 45600000
#42: chr8 q 100764022
#43: chr9 p 49000000
#44: chr9 q 92213431
#45: chrX p 60600000
#46: chrX q 94670560
#47: chrY p 12500000
#48: chrY q 46873566
# chrom arm length
Table 4 contains the physical and genetic lengths of human chromosomes. I assumes that is what the question is about.
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Just wanted to add a translation of this in tidyverse if that helps anyone:
How can I download the length of short and long arms for each chromosome of mouse? because when I did this -
I am getting only one arm length, Is this right ?
Thank you
From Jax Informatics: