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5.8 years ago
does anyone have code for plotting MDS plot like this and how my data matix suppose to look like? I would have there 4 clusters.
Thanks Ana
Did you perform the MDS already? What kind of data do you have?
In general, this forum works best if tell us what kind of data you have, what you have tried so far, and how / why what you tried didn't succeed.
See this page for hints: https://www.statmethods.net/advstats/mds.html
I didn't do any step. I do have expression data matrix, rows (genes=Illumina IDs) and columns (subjects). There is 30 subjects and around 15000 genes. What do you suggest I do with this matrix to prepare for MDS process? Matrix looks like this: (I can convert Illumina # to gene IDs)
Where exactly is the problem? There is an extensive manual in e.g.
that suggests normalizing counts first using TMM followed by log2 transformation prior to MDS.can you please send me link to that manual? The problem is that I don't know in which format and which transformation I have to apply on my matrix above in order to be ready for plotMDS function.
Please google
edgeR manual
and then search for MDS. It is all well-described in there. One typically starts from raw counts but you probably can feed in log2-transformed pre-normalized counts if you do not have raw data.