I am new to proteomics and am seeking some help from experienced users. I have a mass-spec data as a comaprison file between control and treatment. I have the log10 average intensity values, log2 ratio control/treatment , fold change values and E-values. These are non-normalised. I would like to know the process and ways to process this data for gene-enrichment analysis and for finding significantly expressed genes. Below is some data for reference. Appreciate the help.
Description log10 Average Intensity log 2 Ratio mEERL parental/MOC7 Fold Change mEERL parental/MOC7 best E-value Apolipoprotein E 9.739351739 0.611309822 1.527645528 -7.21131 Apolipoprotein E 9.739351739 0.611309822 1.527645528 -7.21131 Apolipoprotein E 9.359411743 -9.249078522 -608.4852669 -7.21131