I read BWA manual. Seems for 454 longer reads, it's recommended to use BWA -BWASW
, which only supports single-end reads.
Then what about 454 paired-end reads?Use bowtie? Also, 454 contain reads with variable length. Then how to deal with those very short reads? (I see some reads are only 10bp..) thx
@SRR000945.10444 E78I8DJ01CQCVG length=108
@SRR000945.10446 E78I8DJ01A06WQ length=10
@SRR000945.10447 E78I8DJ01A1GWE length=48
the paired end vs single end reads are generated with the samse and sampe commands and I don't think the way you align aln or bwasw matters.
An obvious choice would be Newbler. If you can't use that, you could try GMAP. I don't have enough experience with the whole range of aligners to make a specific recommendation, though.
i am frankly surprised the 454 would report a 10bp read
see the edit plz......yeah, it does have 10bp read...or maybe this is not 454?
hi istvan; so for 454 paired-end reads, I simply regard them as illumina/solexa? I mean; first "bwa aln", then "bwa sampe" ?