Hello, I impute, annotate a vcf file and now I want to filter SNP which are exomic. How to find if an gene name (or rs ID or position) is exomic ?
Hello, I impute, annotate a vcf file and now I want to filter SNP which are exomic. How to find if an gene name (or rs ID or position) is exomic ?
How did you "annotate" it? If you ran a programme like the VEP then the information you need is in the variant consequences.
Get the coordinates of the RS or the gene name and intersect with an annotation file (GTF). Please use the search function for it, this has been asked many times before.
A: how to get intronic and intergenic sequences based on gff file?
Another answer via biomaRt:
snps <- c("rs6025", "rs424964","rs199473684")
ensembl <- useMart("ENSEMBL_MART_SNP", dataset = "hsapiens_snp")
out <- getBM(
attributes=c("refsnp_id", "chr_name", "chrom_start", "chrom_end",
"allele", "mapweight", "validated", "allele_1", "minor_allele",
"minor_allele_freq", "minor_allele_count", "clinical_significance",
"synonym_name", "ensembl_gene_stable_id", "consequence_type_tv"),
filters = "snp_filter",
values = snps,
This will return a lot of information, some of which you don't need for your purpose (so, eliminate what you dont need from the
attributes` parameter). You can infer an exonic rs ID in various ways, one being the final column, consequence_type_tv
unique(out[,c("refsnp_id","ensembl_gene_stable_id", "consequence_type_tv")])
refsnp_id ensembl_gene_stable_id consequence_type_tv
1 rs199473684 ENSG00000257529 intron_variant
2 rs199473684 ENSG00000102393 3_prime_UTR_variant
3 rs199473684 ENSG00000102393 NMD_transcript_variant
4 rs199473684 ENSG00000102393 intron_variant
5 rs199473684 ENSG00000102393 non_coding_transcript_variant
6 rs199473684 LRG_672 intron_variant
43 rs424964 ENSG00000257636 non_coding_transcript_variant
44 rs424964 ENSG00000257636 intron_variant
49 rs6025 ENSG00000198734 missense_variant
50 rs6025 LRG_553 missense_variant
See here, also: A: How to retrieve Gene name from SNP ID using biomaRt
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Thank you for all your proposals, I will analyse them.