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5.5 years ago
Hi guys I was trying to using hisat2 for align one rna_seq but looks like my pc is not prepared for. I have 32GB of memory and a AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six-Core Processor cpu. And I was trying to finish this tut:
But I got this message:
$ Ran out of memory; automatically trying more memory-economical parameters.
The command I used was:
hisat2-build referenceData/fasta/Mus_musculus.GRCm
38.dna_sm.primary_assembly.fa --ss referenceData/hisat2_index/splice_sites.txt --exon referenceData/hisat2_index/exons.txt referenceData/hisat2_index/GRCm38.hisat2
I probably have no machine for that right? I am not vinculated at any institution so I cant have access to any super machine. Do you have any cheap solution or suggestion?
This command requires ( if memory serves ) hundreds of Gb. There are premade indices at the hisat2 website.