i have this genes from saccharomyces cerevisiae
genes <- c("YAL002W", "YAL003W","YAL004W", "YAL005C","YAL007C","YAL008W","YAL009W","YAL010C", "ETS1-1", "ETS1-2","ETS2-1","ETS2-2", "HRA1", "ICR1", "IRT1", "ITS1-1")
and I have tried this
my.simbols <- genes
sc <- org.Sc.sgd.db select(sc, keys = my.simbols, columns = c("ENTREZID", "SYMBOL", "GENEID"), keytype = "SYMBOL")
and this is the ouput error
Error in testForValidKeytype(x, keytype) : Invalid keytype: SYMBOL. Please use the keytypes method to see a listing of valid arguments.
lot of thanks SMK and ricket.woo,I think that I have to read the org.Sc.sgd.db manual becaues by can see is a basic problem, lot of thanks. However, in the column(org.Sc.sgd.db) I can't see the transcript lenght option. Can you help me to get the transcript length?