I have two dictionaries with same keys but different values and I want to concatenate the values into a single dictionary like this:
dict_1 = {0: 0.001469768840129216, 1: 0.004734336468720571, 2: -0.005826401939721929, 3: -0.02846783060538032, 4: 0.008589455025104595, 5: -0.0005503362650310596}
dict_2 = {0: 0.355343768840129216, 1: 0.678679878468720571, 2: -0.045776401939778954, 3: -0.67476463060538032, 4: 0.646746674675123533, 5: -0.3562346762650313643}
I want the output to look something like this
dict_3 = {0: array([0.001469768840129216, 0.355343768840129216]), 1: array([0.004734336468720571, 0.678679878468720571]), 2: array([-0.005826401939721929, -0.045776401939778954]), 3: array([-0.02846783060538032, -0.67476463060538032]), 4: array([0.008589455025104595, 0.646746674675123533]), 5: array([-0.0005503362650310596, -0.3562346762650313643])}
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