Hi All!
I am working in R with data extracted from EnsDb.Mmusculus.v95. I have generated a list of deferentially expressed genes and have their gene names like so:
I am trying to create a data frame which maps each gene to its genomic coordinates like so:
Olfr61 Chr7:140637703-140638638
P4ha2 Chr11:54100924-54131668
Pcdh8 Chr14:79766775-79771312
I have started by using the GRanges function but am not finding it intuitive. This seems like it should be fairly simply. Any ideas?
After this I would like to plot each of these DE genes locations on a chromosome map to visualize if they are grouped in particular locations. Any favorite packages for doing this?
Thanks very much for your help
Thanks a lot for the response. I'll try working with this if I can't figure out how to run it in R. I am working with mmusculus v95 but should be able to tweak this for that purpose? Other issue is that I am running linux as a subsystem in windows (WSL, up to now just for running salmon/kallisto etc.) and don't have much experience with it.
Gencode has mouse annotations.