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5.7 years ago
this is my data and code:
> rownames(cc)
[1] "DwoC_2318_30mM" "DwoC_3395_30mM" "DwoC_6154_30mM" "DwoC_16362_30mM"
[5] "DwoC_18296_30mM" "DwoC_21183_30mM" "DwoC_25224_30mM" "DwC_1026_30mM"
[9] "DwC_6009_30mM" "DwC_11167_30mM" "DwC_13206_30mM" "DwC_17075_30mM"
[13] "DwC_21127_30mM" "DwC_26008_30mM" "DwC_27141_30mM" "NoD_7012_30mM"
[17] "NoD_7344_30mM" "NoD_11985_30mM" "NoD_14381_30mM" "NoD_14520_30mM"
[21] "NoD_14569_30mM" "NoD_14581_30mM"
> mds <- cc %>% dist() %>% cmdscale(k=3)
> mds <- cc %>% dist() %>% cmdscale(k=3) %>% as_tibble()
> mds$cols <- as.factor(c(rep("nPDR.hg",8), rep("PDR.hg",7), rep("NoD.hg",7)))
> pdf(file = "MDS_gene_expression_new_reduced_HG.pdf")
> for (dim1 in 1:3){
+ for (dim2 in (dim1+1):3){
+ d1 = paste0("Dim.",dim1); d2 = paste0("Dim.",dim2)
+ colnames(mds)[c(dim1,dim2)] <- c(d1,d2)
+ print(ggscatter(mds, x = d1, y = d2, color = "cols",size=3 ,palette=c("blue","red","yellow")))
+ }
+ }
Error in grDevices::col2rgb(colour, TRUE) : invalid color name 'cols'
> dev.off()
Does anyone know why I am getting this Error?
> head(mds)
# A tibble: 6 x 4
V1 V2 V3 cols
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <fct>
1 2.97 -5.92 2.56 nPDR.hg
2 -0.323 -4.95 1.77 nPDR.hg
3 -11.8 -5.20 -3.83 nPDR.hg
4 -1.85 3.87 -0.271 nPDR.hg
5 2.34 -6.91 2.42 nPDR.hg
6 -4.81 -6.85 0.952 nPDR.hg
Thanks Ana
Try removing the quotes around cols. In ggplot2, this is meant to refer to the cols column of the data frame containing the data. By the way this is a question for StackOverflow since it's about R programming.
HI, I tried color = cols but again the same error.