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5.4 years ago
I am trying to use bcftools to fix references on some older VCF files I have, but I keep getting errors related to the phred-scaled genotype likelihoods (PL). see below:
(reddog) -bash-4.2$ bcftools +fixref all.mergedSNPsApril.vcf.gz -- -f Myotis_lucifugus.Myoluc2.0.75.dna.toplevel.fa -m flip > april_fixed.vcf
[W::vcf_parse_format] FORMAT 'PL' is not defined in the header, assuming Type=String
[E::main_plugin] Unchecked error (2), exiting
I received these VCFs from a collaborator and my understanding is that the alleles were pre-filtered at a certain phred, so the PL header does not exist. Any way to make bcftools just ignore it? Any help is appreciated!
Have you tried defining PL in the header with your favorite plain text editor or using bcftools reheader?