I am using bedtools slop
for padding bed file with 10k.
version bedtools v2.28.0
bedtools slop -header -i gene_annotations.bed -g genome_mainchrs.genome -b 10000 > gene_annotations_padding_10000.bed
Input ex:
1 11868 12227 ENSG00000223972 .....
1 11868 14409 ENSG00000223972 .....
1 11868 14409 ENSG00000223972 ....
1 12009 12057 ENSG00000223972 ......
1 -1 1868 ENSG00000223972
1 -1 1868 ENSG00000223972
1 -1 1868 ENSG00000223972
1 -1 2009 ENSG00000223972
According to bedtools slop
Starts will be set to 0 if options would force it below 0.
why there is -1?
and also should not the end increase with the value of 10k ?
The issue was in the genome_mainchrs.genome
it contains chr[number] ex chr5
while the bed file contains just [number] 5
Could be a version mismatch?
Version mismatch of the tool and documentation or what?
Sorry, yes - maybe the version you're using doesn't match up to the version the doc refers to.
No, the issue was chromosome naming.