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5.6 years ago
L. A. Liggett
I have amino acid positions for a number of mouse mutations, for example DNMT3a R878H
. Is there a way to convert this to a genome coordinate such aschr12:12345
The Ensembl Rest API seems to be capable of such a task, and when I make a call for a human change it works as shown here:
But when trying to change the gene to mouse the call no longer works.
duplicate Amino Acid Change To Genomic Location ; Convert Amino Acid Change To Chromosomal Snp Coordinate ; Finding A Mutation Coordinate From Mutation Nomenclature And Gene Name ; ...
Thanks Pierre, I did have a look at this but it is unclear how to perform such an analysis for mouse. It looks like the Ensembl API might be able to do it as illustrated here, but how to switch from human to mouse is not clear to me.
Give VEP a shot
This doesn't seem to work for me either. I am trying to get the coordinates for the mouse
DNMT3a R878H
mutation in the question like this:But this will not return anything.
, notmouse
This works:
"ENSMUSP00000020991" is actually protein id of "ENSMUSG00000020661".
Indeed. That's how I built the working URL from the "broken" URL
This works great! But how did you find the protein id instead of the gene id?