Hi everyone,
I need help to find out the list of all mtDNA genes of Indian origin in the d-loop control region of mtDNA. I searched for databases/tools that can help me find out a list of genes, but most of the mtDNA specific databases are not working or not updated, so I don't know exactly how I should proceed for this. Can anybody help?
Thanks in advance!
I am not entirely sure but NCBI popset database (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/popset) might also be of some help as well especially the advanced search filters. For example I searched haplogroup M (as mentioned by Jeremy) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/popset?term=((((haplogroup%20M)%20AND%20india))%20AND%20haplogroup%20M)%20AND%20human%5BOrganism%5D
Do you expect different mitochondrial genes depending on the geographical origin?
Yes, mtDNA genes based on geographical origin as Indian, but genes from the d-loop region of mtDNA.
But there are many different haplotypes in India. What do you mean Indian origin?