I came across this paper where human housekeeping genes were defined by following criteria:
Trends in Genetics, October 2013, Pages 569–574. Human housekeeping genes, revisited. Eli Eisenberg, Erez Y. Levanon
"To define housekeeping exons, the exon must be expressed in all tissues at any nonzero level, and must exhibit a uniform expression level across tissues: (i) expression observed in all tissues; (ii) low variance over tissues: standard-deviation [log2(RPKM)]<1; (iii) no exceptional expression in any single tissue; that is, no log-expression value differed from the averaged log2(RPKM) by two (fourfold) or more."
Is there a similar list of housekeeping genes for the mouse genes or could one just convert the IDs to get the orthologous genes in mice?
Is there a list of mouse housekeeping genes available to download?
You can find in the database "Housekeeping Transcript Atlas" reliable lists of human and mouse housekeeping genes. Link: http://www.housekeeping.unicamp.br.