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5.5 years ago
I am trying to get haplotypes for one locus on chromosome19 and for that, I need phased data. However, prior to the phasing, I am supposed to split my PLINK files into separated files by chromosome. I found this script online but it doesn't work (see below). Can you please give me advice on how to do this? I am rather a newbie in the data processing so I am sorry if this is a too basic question.
Thank you!
# This script takes as input the base filename of binary pedfiles (*.bed,
# *.bim, *.fam) and a base output filename and splits up a dataset by
# chromosome. Useful for imputing to 1000 genomes.
chomp(my $pwd = `pwd`); my $help = "\nUsage: $0 <BEDfile base> <output base>\n\n"; die $help if @ARGV!=2;
$infile_base=$ARGV[0]; #base filename of inputs $outfile_base=$ARGV[1]; #base filename of outputs $plink_exec="plink
--nonfounders --allow-no-sex --noweb"; $chr=22; #last chromosome to write out
for (1..$chr) { print "Processing chromosome $_\n"; `$plink_exec
--bfile $infile_base --chr $_ --make-bed --out ${outfile_base}$_;` }