With sequence data becoming easily accessible and affordable, I can readily think of the ethical issues that may arise. Insuarnce companies may refuse health coverage for a seemingly healthy person because of the likelihood of a genetic disorder, banks may refuse loans if they had access to genetic data etc.
Could you suggest more ethical concerns in bioinformatics..?
I don't think the issues you mention are really new specific ethical concerns for bioinformatics, but are rather the same issues that have always confronted clinical genetics. The new sequencing technologies do not really change what have been long-standing issues that medical geneticists and genetic counsellors have wrestled with since the beginning of the field.
The genomes unzipped project is an interesting resource related to impact of direct-to-consumer genetic testing and the ethics-related consequences.
Thanks Alex. I was hoping to get some answers that may highlight the computing aspects also. The logistics of having data mined personalised medicine, the influence/role of cloud computing etc.