Hi everyone,
I am a little confusing of how to adjust binary phenotype for polygenic risk score given values of covariates.
For instance, in a continuous trait, we use the residual of a linear model as an adjusted phenotype. Is it ok to also use the residual of a logistic model as an adjusted phenotype, then I would use this adjusted phenotype (by LOGISTIC model) to build a LINEAR model for all the SNP to train the PRS in the discovery set? E.g:
Adjusted phenotype_i from a logistic model = beta_i x SNP_i
Your help is really appreciated!
Thank you very much, Sam! so technically when we say "adjust for phenotype" it is implicitly understand as a linear regression for the original phenotypes with all covariates, isn't it? As I have read some papers mentioned they used logistic regression for binary traits so I'm a bit confusing though I know that beta coefficients from linear regression or OR from logistic regression can be transformed to each other.
I am not sure what you meant by "adjust for phenotype". Maybe you want to elaborate a bit more? We almost always use logistic regression for binary traits and we can adjust for covariates using the logistic regression model.