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5.5 years ago
I've successfully installed and run SCRATCH Suite (SSPro, ACCPro), but when i run it with a test example, an error message is displayed saying that SCRATCH did not found file "dataset.pro", Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
Could you think of a more concise title?
SCRATCH-1D_predictions.pl failed generating sequence profiles.. I've successfully installed and run SCRATCH Suite (SSPro, ACCPro), but when i run it with a test example, an error message is displayed saying that SCRATCH did not found file "dataset.pro",
Add this additional information to your original question.
The title of your thread. Shorten it. Don't put your full question as a title. Edit your post.
do you know the answer or not
Maybe there is a mistake in the specification of the path to the file "dataset.pro". Can you post the command that you launched when you received the error?
In general: you are much more likely to be helped if you carefully specify your problem. You might want to read this: How To Ask Good Questions On Technical And Scientific Forums