I am trying to loop paired end reads in hisat2 with an output of sorted bam using a pipe.
I am a novice at coding but am keen to improve my skills by learning how to loop.
I have created this loop using the answers from Run mutltiple Fastq files on Hisat2
for f in `ls *.fastq.gz | sed 's/_[12].fastq.gz//g' | sort -u`
echo hisat2 -x /mnt/z/NathanHaffordTear/RNAseqproject/RNAseqanalysis/hg38_index -1 ${f}_1.fastq.gz -2 ${f}_2.fastq.gz | samtools sort -o ${f}.hisat.sorted.bam
For some reason the loop does work without the pipe but not with. How can i configure this loop to work with the piping as I do not want to have the intermediate files?
Many thanks in advance
Is the
supposed to precede the call to hisat2?I added it in to check the code before running.
OP is supposed to run:
OP can also try parallel: