Hi, I need help with a problem. I got two files containing contigs from two different assemblers. I would like to know if it is possible to compare the contigs of go out to keep only those that are similar to 95%. I was thinking of using a BLAST, aligning the contigs of the first file on the scond but I can not extract those with 95% identity. I thank you in advance for your help and wish you a great day
Depending on the size of the contigs you may be able to use CD-HIT.
You need global alignment for this. Try
from the EMBOSS suite.Hi, thanks you, my contigs measured between 500 and 200 000 bases. Thanks you for your help
Sounds like you need to use an assembly reconciliation tool. This is a recent enough review that you may want to look through.
What is the actual end goal here? A 'hybrid' assembly of best contigs or something?