Hi, I am trying to blast some proteins using 'blastp' vs. some organisms using the Non- redundant protein sequences database (nr)
I have found a solution that is applicable only for blastn by using an Entrez Query of: all[filter] NOT predicted[title] but unfortunately it doesn't work and I still get as a result the 'PREDICTED' proteins.
I will be glad to hear if someone has a solution to that.
Thank you in advance
It would be easier to simply do the blast as usual and then filter the bits you don’t want out of the text result file after the fact.
Perhaps you can add use the option to exclude the XM/XP models? If this is a computationally expensive search, you may just want to stick to the solution of jrj.healey and filter the results after the fact. That way, if you ever need the entire result set, you can always go back to it without having to run the search again.