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5.4 years ago
I converted .vcf genotype file to .ped using plink like so:
./plink --vcf hgdp_wgs.20190516.full.chr22.vcf.gz --maf 0.01 --recode --out hgdp_chr22
When I try to convert a .ped file to impute format
./fcgene --ped hgdp_22.ped --map hgdp_22.map --oformat impute --out hgdp_22_impute
I get the following error:
Reading ped file: "hgdp_22.ped":
ERROR: Problem in reading SNP rs1245595155 in line1. The SNP has genotype [ TA ] and [TAA], each should be only one characters long.
You can just use plink "--recode oxford" for this. With plink 2.0, this also works with dosage data.
Thanks, this worked!