Hi all,
I have a list of more than 100 SNPs (rsXXXXXX) and I would like to obtain the different allele frequencies that each of them shows in each of the 1000Genomes populations (if possible not manually...). Is there any tool, R package etc, that allows to download them all at once? I've thought that I could maybe obtain those frequencies from the UCSC database or directly from the 1000Genomes database, but I'm open to any suggestions. Thank you very much in advanced!
Sorry, I don't know what might be happening but my plink2 returns that it doesn't recognise the "--pfile" option... I'm launching the command in a folder with the files all_phase3.pgen.zst, all_phase3.psam, all_phase3.pvar.zst and my list of rsIDs... is it possible that it is not recognising some of the files? Or is it more likely a problem of my plink2 installation?
Thanks again :)
You need to decompress the .pgen.zst file first; see the instructions at the top of the resources page.
This requires plink 2.0, not 1.9. What do you get when you type “plink2 —version”?