I have a bed file with the following structure (1 to 6 indicate the row number of the bed):
chr.number start stop V4
1 chr1 4131635 4131815 rs3936238
2 chr1 11489587 11489767 rs877309
3 chr1 21652120 21652300 rs213028
4 chr1 25277819 25278166 rs11249206
5 chr1 27022864 27022985 NM_139135
6 chr1 27023022 27023312 NM_139135
I would like to annotate it in columns 5 and 6 with the following exonic information, preferably in R.
gene symbol
Exon number
Example desired output:
chr.number start end GEN_SYMBOL exon
chr13 32972272 32972941 BRCA2 exon27
for the entire bed file. If possible also start and end position for each gene and each exon as well.
I have tried with biomaRt, but I do not know how to get all those filters as output. Additionally, I only found out how to annotate with the ENSEMBL annotation and not the one I need...
Thank you in advance!