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5.6 years ago
I have a RNA-seq .BAM file for each patient. Also, for each patient I have done whole genome sequencing and I have .BAM files. By strelka I called mutations and I got .vcf. Now, when I used .BAM file of RNA-seq and .vcf file from WGS for allele specific expression analysis by gatk, I got an empty file
This is the command I used
gatk ASEReadCounter \
-R hs37d5.fa \
-I RNA-seq.bam \
-V WGS.vcf.gz \
-O output.table
Can any of you done allele specific expression analysis help me to see where I am doing wrong? Should I first call mutation on RNA-seq .BAM files and use that instead of WGS?
Any comments?
It may be obvious, but you used the same reference for your WGS and RNA-seq, right? Same chromosome names...
Actually I am being given .BAM both for RNA-seq and WGS but I guess they used the same genome from name of BAM files
And I have used the same for gatk ASE
Did you make sure that your sample names in VCF file can be found as Read group in BAM file?