I've been using Kissplice pipeline lately to perform personnal RNASeq analysis. As I used the pipeline described in the official Kissplice documentation, I've come across an error.
With the following command line:
kissplice2refgenome-1.0.0/kissplice2refgenome -a genomeDir/gencode.v24.chr_patch_hapl_scaff.annotation.gtf --pairedEnd True kiss_emt/star_coherents_type_1_Aligned.out.sam
I get the following output:
Run starts...
Reading annotations file...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "workdir/kissplice2refgenome-1.0.0/kissplice2refgenome", line 140, in <module>
File "workdir/kissplice2refgenome-1.0.0/kissplice2refgenome", line 109, in main
File "/workdir/kissplice2refgenome-1.0.0/kissplice2refgenomelib/spliceSitesRef.py", line 22, in readAnnotationFile
File "workdir/kissplice2refgenome-1.0.0/kissplice2refgenomelib/spliceSitesRef.py", line 28, in getInfoAnnotationFile
gettingAttributes=event[8].split(" ")
I just grepped out the headers in the GTF file to get rid of the error, as follows:
kissplice2refgenome-1.0.0/kissplice2refgenome -a <(cat genomeDir/gencode.v24.chr_patch_hapl_scaff.annotation.gtf | grep -vP "^#") --pairedEnd True kiss_emt/star_coherents_type_1_Aligned.out.sam
I was wondering if this was a known issue ? I just downloaded the GTF file from gencode, and did not perform any modification (aside from gunzip uncompression).